echo "Hello World" > index.html Pop 'n' Fresh
Pop 'n' Fresh

Welcome to the Pop 'n' Fresh language specification!

This page provides a detailed overview of the language's syntax, semantics, and supported data types.

If you're new to the language, start with the Syntax section to understand the basic structure and rules.

For more information on the language, check out the Semantics section, which covers the operations and commands supported by the language.

The Data Types section provides an overview of the supported data types and structures in the language.

If you're ready to dive into the language, check out the Built-in Functions section, which lists the built-in functions available in the language.


The syntax of Pop 'n' Fresh follows a clear structure defined by strict formatting and rule sets. Each statement in the language adheres to the following general format:

// Single-line comment   
                operation: "add"; // Block start
                num1: 3;
                num2: 5;
                result: 0;
                // Call operation
                result = add(num1, num2);

Operations in Pop 'n' Fresh are built on a functional paradigm with state transformations being explicit. All operations consist of a source, a command, and an optional result. The language ensures that side effects are minimized by default, making state changes explicit within blocks.

                                    input: 4;
                                    factor: 3;
                                    output: 0;
                                    output = multiply(input, factor); // Semantically pure operation
  • Arithmetic Operations such as add(), subtract(), multiply(), and divide() follow traditional semantics.
  • Assignment Operations such as x = y; assign the value of y to x.
Data Types

The language supports the following primitive data types and composite structures:

  • Primitives:
    • int: Represents integer numbers.
    • float: Represents floating-point numbers.
    • string: A sequence of characters.
    • bool: Represents boolean values (true or false).

  • Composite Types:
    • Array: Denoted by square brackets, [ ], and can hold multiple values of any type.
    • Object: Denoted by curly braces {}, these are key-value pairs where the key is a string and the value can be any type.
                                    arr: [1, 2, 3, 4];
                                    obj: {
                                        "key1": "value1",
                                        "key2": true,
                                        "key3": 3.14
Built-in Functions

The language provides a set of built-in functions that can be used to perform common operations. These functions are:

                                    arr: [1, 2, 3, 4];
                                    obj: {
                                        "key1": "value1",
                                        "key2": true,
                                        "key3": 3.14

PopN'Fresh: ".pnf"

1. Syntax and Structure

The syntax of Pop 'n' Fresh follows a clear structure defined by strict formatting and rule sets. Each statement in the language adheres to the following general format:

Syntax Example:
// Single-line comment
  operation: "add"; // Block start
  num1: 3;
  num2: 5;
  result: 0;
  // Call operation
  result = add(num1, num2);

2. Semantics of Operations and Commands

Operations in toaster.Json are built on a functional paradigm with state transformations being explicit. All operations consist of a source, a command, and an optional result. The language ensures that side effects are minimized by default, making state changes explicit within blocks.

Example of Operation Semantics:
  input: 4;
  factor: 3;
  output: 0;
  output = multiply(input, factor); // Semantically pure operation

3. Supported Data Types and Structures

The language supports the following primitive data types and composite structures:

Interaction Example:
  arr: [1, 2, 3, 4];
  obj: {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": true,
    "key3": 3.14

4. Built-in Functions

The language provides a set of built-in functions that can be used to perform common operations. These functions are:

  • Arithmetic Operations:

    Language Specification for microwave.Json

    1. Syntax Rules

    The syntax of microwave.Json follows a clear structure defined by strict formatting and rule sets. Each statement in the language adheres to the following general format:

    Syntax Example:
    // Single-line comment
      operation: "add"; // Block start
      num1: 3;
      num2: 5;
      result: 0;
      // Call operation
      result = add(num1, num2);

    2. Semantics of Operations and Commands

    Operations in toaster.Json are built on a functional paradigm with state transformations being explicit. All operations consist of a source, a command, and an optional result. The language ensures that side effects are minimized by default, making state changes explicit within blocks.

    Example of Operation Semantics:
      input: 4;
      factor: 3;
      output: 0;
      output = multiply(input, factor); // Semantically pure operation

    1. Syntax and Structure

    The syntax of Pop 'n' Fresh follows a clear structure defined by strict formatting and rule sets. Each statement in the language adheres to the following general format:

    Syntax Example:
    // Single-line comment    
          operation: "add"; // Block start
          num1: 3;
          num2: 5;
          result: 0;
          // Call operation
          result = add(num1, num2);

    2. Semantics of Operations and Commands

    Operations in toaster.Json are built on a functional paradigm with state transformations being explicit. All operations consist of a source, a command, and an optional result. The language ensures that side effects are minimized by default, making state changes explicit within blocks.

    Example of Operation Semantics:
          input: 4;
          factor: 3;
          output: 0;
          output = multiply(input, factor); // Semantically pure operation

    1. Syntax Rules

    The syntax of toaster.Json follows a clear structure defined by strict formatting and rule sets. Each statement in the language adheres to the following general format:

    Syntax Example:
    // Single-line comment
      operation: "add"; // Block start
      num1: 3;
      num2: 5;
      result: 0;
      // Call operation
      result = add(num1, num2);

    2. Semantics of Operations and Commands

    Operations in toaster.Json are built on a functional paradigm with state transformations being explicit. All operations consist of a source, a command, and an optional result. The language ensures that side effects are minimized by default, making state changes explicit within blocks.

    Example of Operation Semantics:
      input: 4;
      factor: 3;
      output: 0;
      output = multiply(input, factor); // Semantically pure operation

    3. Supported Data Types and Structures

    The language supports the following primitive data types and composite structures:

    Interaction Example:
      arr: [1, 2, 3, 4];
      obj: { name: "Bob", age: 25 };
      x: 5;
      y: "Alice";
      boolFlag: true;

    4. Operations, Functions, Constants, Modifiers, Categories, and Variables


    Operations are predefined commands that manipulate data and return results.


    Functions are user-defined commands that take input parameters, perform operations, and return results. Functions must be explicitly defined and invoked.

    function addTwoNumbers(a, b) {
      return add(a, b);
    result = addTwoNumbers(2, 3);


    Constants are fixed values that cannot be altered once declared. They are denoted by the const keyword.

    const PI = 3.14159;


    Modifiers alter the behavior or scope of variables and operations. toaster.Json includes the following modifiers:


    Variables in toaster.Json are categorized based on scope:

    global x = 10;
    function example() {
      local y = 5;
      return add(x, y);

    5. Error Handling

    Errors in toaster.Json are managed using the try-catch mechanism. Whenever a potential error might occur, the try block is used to attempt execution, and any errors are caught in the catch block.

    try {
      result = divide(10, 0);
    } catch (error) {
      log("Error occurred: ", error);

    6. Grammar and Formal Rules for Combining Elements

    Formal Example:
      x: 5;
      y: 10;
      if (x < y) {
        z = add(x, y);
      } else {
        z = subtract(y, x);

    7. Language-Specific Utilities and Standard Libraries

    toaster.Json comes with a set of standard utilities and libraries to perform common tasks, such as math operations, string manipulations, and array operations.

    Standard Library Functions:

    8. Compiler-Specific Behavior for toaster.Json

    The toaster.Json compiler interprets and translates source code into executable bytecode. The compiler includes the following steps:

    1. Lexical Analysis: Tokenizes the source code.
    2. Syntax Analysis: Ensures code follows syntax rules.
    3. Semantic Analysis: Ensures operations are semantically valid.
    4. Optimization: Optimizes the code for performance.
    5. Bytecode Generation: Translates the code into machine-readable bytecode.

    The toaster.Json compiler automatically manages memory and handles garbage collection.

    9. List of Functions, Operations, and Modifiers




    Bob and Alice Example:

      // Bob calculates his total balance
      bobBalance: 100;
      addAmount: 50;
      bobBalance = add(bobBalance, addAmount);
      // Alice checks if her balance is enough
      aliceBalance: 75;
      if (aliceBalance >= 100) {
        log("Alice has enough balance.");
      } else {
        log("Alice needs more funds.");

    Proof Example Using Pop 'n' Fresh Commands:

    Pop 'n' Fresh Language Specification (Version 1.0)

    1. Syntax and Structure

    1.1 Basic Elements

    1.2 Operators

    1.3 Delimiters

    1.4 Keywords


    2. Data Types

    2.1 Primitive Types

    2.2 Cryptographic Types

    2.3 Complex Types

    2.4 Circuit-Specific Types

    3. Functions and Control Flow

    3.1 Function Definition
    FUNC_NAME(param1:TYPE, param2:TYPE) -> RETURN_TYPE {
      // function body

    3.2 Control Structures

    IF (condition) {
      // code
    } ELSE {
      // code

    LOOP {
      // code
      IF (condition) BREAK

    TRY {
      // code
    } CATCH (error_type) {
      // error handling

    4. Cryptographic Operations

    4.1 Hashing
    HASH(data:VEC<INT>) -> H256

    4.2 Signatures
    SIGN(sk:SK, msg:VEC<INT>) -> SIG
    VERIFY(pk:PK, msg:VEC<INT>, sig:SIG) -> BOOL

    4.3 Encryption
    ENC(pk:PK, msg:VEC<INT>) -> VEC<INT>
    DEC(sk:SK, cipher:VEC<INT>) -> VEC<INT>

    4.4 Zero-Knowledge Proofs
    ZKP_GEN(circuit:VEC<CONSTRAINT>, witness:VEC<FLD>) -> PROOF
    ZKP_VERIFY(circuit:VEC<CONSTRAINT>, proof:PROOF, public_input:VEC<FLD>) -> BOOL

    4.5 Commitments
    COMM_GEN(value:FLD, randomness:FLD) -> COMM
    COMM_OPEN(comm:COMM, value:FLD, randomness:FLD) -> BOOL

    4.6 Lattice-Based Cryptography

    4.7 Witness Encryption
    WE_ENC(stmt:STR, msg:VEC<INT>) -> VEC<INT>
    WE_DEC(ct:VEC<INT>, witness:VEC<FLD>) -> OPT<VEC<INT>>

    4.8 Verifiable Delay Functions
    VDF_SETUP(security_parameter:INT) -> VDF_PP
    VDF_EVAL(pp:VDF_PP, input:VEC<INT>, time:INT) -> (VEC<INT>, PROOF)
    VDF_VERIFY(pp:VDF_PP, input:VEC<INT>, output:VEC<INT>, proof:PROOF) -> BOOL

    5. Circuit Operations

    5.1 Circuit Construction

    5.2 Constraint Systems
    CS_NEW() -> CS

    5.3 Proof Systems
    GROTH16_SETUP(cs:CS) -> GROTH16_PP
    GROTH16_PROVE(pp:GROTH16_PP, witness:VEC<FLD>) -> PROOF
    GROTH16_VERIFY(pp:GROTH16_PP, proof:PROOF, public_input:VEC<FLD>) -> BOOL

    PLONK_VERIFY(pp:PLONK_PP, proof:PROOF, public_input:VEC<FLD>) -> BOOL

    6. Advanced Cryptographic Constructs

    6.1 Multi-Party Computation
    MPC_INIT(parties:VEC<PK>) -> MPC_SESSION
    MPC_COMPUTE(session:MPC_SESSION, function:FUNC) -> VEC<FLD>

    6.2 Threshold Cryptography
    TSS_KEYGEN(t:INT, n:INT) -> (VEC<SK>, PK)
    TSS_SIGN(keys:VEC<SK>, msg:VEC<INT>) -> SIG

    6.3 Post-Quantum Cryptography
    PQ_KEYGEN(security_parameter:INT) -> (PK, SK)
    PQ_ENC(pk:PK, msg:VEC<INT>) -> VEC<INT>
    PQ_DEC(sk:SK, cipher:VEC<INT>) -> VEC<INT>

    7. Privacy-Preserving Protocols

    7.1 Ring Signatures
    RING_SIGN(sk:SK, msg:VEC<INT>, ring:VEC<PK>) -> RING_SIG
    RING_VERIFY(msg:VEC<INT>, sig:RING_SIG, ring:VEC<PK>) -> BOOL

    7.2 Blind Signatures
    BLIND_SIGN(sk:SK, blinded_msg:VEC<INT>) -> BLIND_SIG

    7.3 Homomorphic Encryption
    HE_KEYGEN(security_parameter:INT) -> (HE_PK, HE_SK)
    HE_ENC(pk:HE_PK, msg:FLD) -> HE_CIPHER
    HE_DEC(sk:HE_SK, c:HE_CIPHER) -> FLD

    8. Blockchain-Specific Operations

    8.1 Merkle Trees
    MT_NEW() -> MT
    MT_INSERT(mt:MT, leaf:H256) -> MT
    MT_PROOF(mt:MT, leaf:H256) -> MT_PROOF
    MT_VERIFY(root:H256, leaf:H256, proof:MT_PROOF) -> BOOL

    8.2 State Channels
    SC_OPEN(participants:VEC<PK>, initial_state:VEC<INT>) -> SC
    SC_UPDATE(sc:SC, new_state:VEC<INT>, sigs:VEC<SIG>) -> SC
    SC_CLOSE(sc:SC, final_state:VEC<INT>, sigs:VEC<SIG>) -> BOOL

    8.3 zk-SNARKs
    CS) -> SNARK_PP
    SNARK_VERIFY(pp:SNARK_PP, proof:SNARK_PROOF, public_input:VEC<FLD>) -> BOOL

    9. Performance Optimizations

    9.1 Parallel Execution

    9.2 Lazy Evaluation
    LAZY(expr:EXPR) -> LAZY_EXPR

    9.3 Memoization
    MEMO(func:FUNC) -> MEMO_FUNC

    10. Safety and Formal Verification

    10.1 Invariant Checking
    INVARIANT(condition:BOOL, msg:STR)

    10.2 Pre and Post Conditions
    PRE(condition:BOOL, msg:STR)
    POST(condition:BOOL, msg:STR)

    10.3 Formal Proof Generation
    PROVE(theorem:EXPR) -> PROOF
    CHECK_PROOF(theorem:EXPR, proof:PROOF) -> BOOL

    11. Interoperability

    11.1 Foreign Function Interface
    FFI_IMPORT(language:STR, func:STR) -> FUNC
    FFI_EXPORT(func:FUNC, language:STR) -> STR

    11.2 Serialization
    SERIALIZE(obj:T) -> VEC<INT>
    DESERIALIZE(data:VEC<INT>, type:TYPE) -> T

    12. Error Handling and Debugging

    12.1 Custom Error Types
    ERROR_TYPE(name:STR, fields:VEC<(STR, TYPE)>)

    12.2 Debugging

    12.2 Debugging (continued)
    DEBUG_PRINT(x) // Outputs the value of x

    STR trace = STACK_TRACE();

    12.3 Error Handling

    TRY {
      // Block of code that might throw an error
    } CATCH (error_type) {
      // Code to handle the error
    TRY {
      x := divide(10, 0); // May cause a divide-by-zero error
    } CATCH (DivideByZeroError) {
      DEBUG_PRINT("Error: Division by zero");


    ASSERT(condition:BOOL, msg:STR)
    ASSERT(x > 0, "x must be greater than 0");

    13. Interoperability

    13.1 Foreign Function Interface (FFI)

    FFI_IMPORT(language:STR, func:STR) -> FUNC
    FUNC sqrt = FFI_IMPORT("C", "sqrt");

    FFI_EXPORT(func:FUNC, language:STR) -> STR
    FFI_EXPORT(myFunc, "Python");

    13.2 Serialization/Deserialization

    SERIALIZE(obj:T) -> VEC<INT>
    VEC<INT> serialized_obj = SERIALIZE(myObject);

    DESERIALIZE(data:VEC<INT>, type:TYPE) -> T
    MyType obj = DESERIALIZE(serialized_data, MyType);

    14. Concurrency and Parallelism

    14.1 Concurrency

    ASYNC(func:FUNC) -> FUTURE<T>
    FUTURE<INT> result = ASYNC(myAsyncFunction);

    AWAIT(fut:FUTURE<T>) -> T
    INT value = AWAIT(result);

    14.2 Parallel Execution

    VEC<FUNC> tasks = [task1, task2, task3];
    VEC<RESULT> results = PAR_EXEC(tasks);

    15. Performance Optimizations

    15.1 Lazy Evaluation

    LAZY(expr:EXPR) -> LAZY_EXPR
    LAZY_EXPR delayed_expr = LAZY(expensive_computation());

    RESULT computed_value = FORCE(delayed_expr);

    15.2 Memoization

    MEMO(func:FUNC) -> MEMO_FUNC
    MEMO_FUNC memoized_function = MEMO(expensive_function);

    16. Formal Verification and Proofs

    16.1 Invariant Checking

    INVARIANT(condition:BOOL, msg:STR)
    INVARIANT(balance >= 0, "Balance must not be negative");

    16.2 Pre and Post Conditions

    PRE(condition:BOOL, msg:STR)
    PRE(x > 0, "x must be positive");

    POST(condition:BOOL, msg:STR)
    POST(result != NULL, "Result cannot be null");

    16.3 Formal Proof Generation

    PROVE(theorem:EXPR) -> PROOF
    PROOF proof = PROVE(x + y == y + x);

    CHECK_PROOF(theorem:EXPR, proof:PROOF) -> BOOL
    BOOL valid = CHECK_PROOF(theorem, proof);

    17. Energy and Computation Symbols

    17.1 Fast Computation

    17.2 Heavy Computation

    17.3 Parallel Computation

    17.4 Conditional Computation

    17.5 Looping Computation

    17.6 Delayed Computation

    18. Advanced Proof Systems

    18.1 Recursive SNARKs
    REC_SNARK(circuit:CS) -> PROOF
    PROOF recursive_proof = REC_SNARK(circuit);

    18.2 Bulletproofs
    BP_PROVE(v:FLD, gamma:FLD) -> PROOF
    PROOF bp_proof = BP_PROVE(v, gamma);

    BP_VERIFY(proof:PROOF, comm:COMM) -> BOOL
    BOOL valid = BP_VERIFY(bp_proof, commitment);

    19. Multi-Party Computation

    19.1 Secure Multi-Party Computation
    MPC_PROTOCOL(parties:VEC<PK>, inputs:VEC<FLD>) -> VEC<FLD>
    VEC<FLD> result = MPC_PROTOCOL([party1, party2], [input1, input2]);

    19.2 Oblivious Transfer
    OT_MESSAGE message = OT_SEND(msg0, msg1);

    VEC<INT> received_message = OT_RECEIVE(true);

    20. Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

    20.1 Lattice-Based Encryption
    LWE_ENC(pk:PK, msg:FLD) -> CIPHER
    CIPHER cipher = LWE_ENC(public_key, message);

    LWE_DEC(sk:SK, cipher:CIPHER) -> FLD
    FLD message = LWE_DEC(secret_key, cipher);

    20.2 Hash-Based Signatures
    SPHINCS_SIGN(sk:SK, msg:VEC<INT>) -> SIG
    SIG signature = SPHINCS_SIGN(secret_key, message);

    SPHINCS_VERIFY(pk:PK, msg:VEC<INT>, sig:SIG) -> BOOL
    BOOL valid = SPHINCS_VERIFY(public_key, message, signature);

    21. Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

    21.1 Mix Networks
    MIX_NET(participants:VEC<PK>, msgs:VEC<INT>) -> VEC<INT>
    VEC<INT> mixed_msgs = MIX_NET([pk1, pk2, pk3], [msg1, msg2, msg3]);

    21.2 Garbled Circuits
    GARBLED_CIRCUIT(input_labels:VEC<INT>, gates:VEC<GATE>) -> CIRCUIT
    CIRCUIT gc = GARBLED_CIRCUIT(input_labels, circuit_gates);

    VEC<INT> output = EVALUATE_GARBLED(gc, inputs);

    22. Blockchain-Specific Operations

    22.1 Smart Contract Interaction
    SC_CALL(contract:SC, method:STR, args:VEC<INT>) -> RESULT
    RESULT res = SC_CALL(my_contract, "transfer", [amount, recipient]);

    SC_DEPLOY(code:VEC<INT>, init_state:VEC<INT>) -> SC
    SC contract = SC_DEPLOY(contract_code, initial_state);

    22.2 Layer 2 Scaling
    L2_BATCH(txns:VEC<INT>) -> BATCH
    BATCH batch = L2_BATCH([txn1, txn2, txn3]);

    L2_COMMIT(batch:BATCH) -> RESULT
    RESULT commit_result = L2_COMMIT(batch);

    22.3 zk-SNARK-Based Smart Contract Verification
    SC_ZK_VERIFY(proof:SNARK_PROOF, public_input:VEC<FLD>, contract:SC) -> BOOL
    BOOL verified = SC_ZK_VERIFY(proof, public_input, my_contract);

    22.4 Merkle Tree Operations in Smart Contracts
    SC_MT_INSERT(contract:SC, leaf:H256) -> SC
    SC updated_contract = SC_MT_INSERT(my_contract, new_leaf);

    SC_MT_VERIFY(contract:SC, root:H256, leaf:H256, proof:MT_PROOF) -> BOOL
    BOOL valid = SC_MT_VERIFY(my_contract, root_hash, leaf_hash, proof);

    23. Advanced Cryptographic Protocols

    23.1 Oblivious Transfer in Secure Computation
    OT_PROTOCOL(participants:VEC<PK>, choices:VEC<BOOL>, msgs:VEC<VEC<INT>>) -> VEC<INT>
    VEC<INT> received_msgs = OT_PROTOCOL([pk1, pk2], [true, false], [[msg1a, msg1b], [msg2a, msg2b]]);

    23.2 Secure Multiparty Computation with Garbled Circuits
    VEC<INT> result = MPC_GARBLED_CIRCUIT([input1, input2], secure_circuit);

    24. Formal Verification and Model Checking

    24.1 Formal Proof Steps
    PROOF proof = FORMAL_PROOF([step1, step2, step3]);

    24.2 Model Checking
    MODEL_CHECK(model:EXPR, property:EXPR) -> BOOL
    BOOL result = MODEL_CHECK(system_model, safety_property);

    25. Quantum-Safe Key Exchange

    25.1 Lattice-Based Key Exchange
    LWE_KEY_EXCHANGE(participant1:PK, participant2:PK) -> (SK, PK)
    (SK, PK) keys = LWE_KEY_EXCHANGE(pk1, pk2);

    25.2 Hash-Based Key Derivation
    HKDF(input_key:FLD, salt:FLD, info:STR) -> FLD
    FLD derived_key = HKDF(input_key, salt, "key derivation info");

    25.3 Post-Quantum Digital Signatures
    PQ_SIGN(sk:SK, msg:VEC<INT>) -> SIG
    SIG pq_signature = PQ_SIGN(secret_key, message);

    PQ_VERIFY(pk:PK, msg:VEC<INT>, sig:SIG) -> BOOL
    BOOL is_valid = PQ_VERIFY(public_key, message, pq_signature);

    26. Error Handling in Cryptographic Operations

    26.1 Error Types in Cryptography
    ERROR_TYPE(CryptoError, [(message:STR), (code:INT)])
    THROW(CryptoError("Invalid key length", 1001));

    26.2 Error Propagation in Secure Functions
    FUNC safe_decrypt(sk:SK, cipher:VEC<INT>) -> OPT<VEC<INT>> {
      TRY {
        RETURN DEC(sk, cipher);
      } CATCH (CryptoError) {
        RETURN OPT<>; // Return empty if decryption fails
    OPT<VEC<INT>> plaintext = safe_decrypt(secret_key, ciphertext);

    27. Cross-Platform Cryptographic Support

    27.1 FFI for Cryptographic Libraries
    FFI_IMPORT("C", "openssl_encrypt") -> FUNC
    FUNC encrypt = FFI_IMPORT("C", "openssl_encrypt");
    VEC<INT> cipher = encrypt(message, key);

    27.2 Exporting Functions to External Cryptographic Systems
    FFI_EXPORT(hash_function, "Rust")
    FFI_EXPORT(PQ_HASH, "Rust");

    28. Security Auditing and Verification

    28.1 Static Security Analysis
    REPORT security_report = SEC_ANALYZE(contract_code);

    28.2 Formal Security Proofs
    SEC_PROVE(theorem:EXPR) -> PROOF
    PROOF security_proof = SEC_PROVE(security_theorem);

    29. Energy-Efficient Cryptographic Primitives

    29.1 Optimized Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
    POINT result = ECC_MUL(scalar, base_point);

    29.2 Low-Power Cryptographic Hashing
    LP_HASH(data:VEC<INT>) -> H256
    H256 hash_result = LP_HASH(sensor_data);

    30. Formal Verification for Energy Optimization

    30.1 Proof of Energy Efficiency
    PROOF energy_proof = ENERGY_PROVE(ECC_MUL);

    30.2 Energy-Aware Function Profiling
    REPORT energy_report = ENERGY_PROFILE(LP_HASH);

    30.3 Energy Constraints Enforcement
    SET_ENERGY_LIMIT(func:FUNC, limit:INT)
    SET_ENERGY_LIMIT(ECC_MUL, 1000); // Sets a maximum energy usage of 1000 units

    31. Quantum-Resistant Primitives with Energy Optimization

    31.1 Energy-Efficient Lattice-Based Encryption
    CIPHER cipher = LWE_ENC_EFFICIENT(public_key, message);

    31.2 Energy-Constrained Post-Quantum Signatures
    SIG pq_signature = PQ_SIGN_EFFICIENT(secret_key, message);

    31.3 Energy-Optimized zk-SNARK Verification
    BOOL verified = ZK_VERIFY_EFFICIENT(proof, public_input);

    32. Advanced Blockchain Energy Management

    32.1 Energy-Limited Smart Contract Execution
    SC_SET_ENERGY_LIMIT(contract:SC, limit:INT)
    SC_SET_ENERGY_LIMIT(my_contract, 5000);

    32.2 Energy Tracking for Transactions
    REPORT energy_usage = TX_TRACK_ENERGY(my_transaction);

    33. Energy Auditing and Optimization

    33.1 Static Energy Analysis
    REPORT energy_analysis = ENERGY_ANALYZE(contract_code);

    33.2 Dynamic Energy Profiling

    33.3 Energy Consumption Audits
    REPORT audit = AUDIT_ENERGY_USAGE(my_contract);

    33.4 Energy Efficiency Recommendations

    33.5 Real-Time Energy Monitoring
    REPORT real_time_monitor = REALTIME_ENERGY_MONITOR(my_contract);

    33.6 Energy-Based Contract Throttling
    SC_THROTTLE_ON_ENERGY(contract:SC, threshold:INT)
    SC_THROTTLE_ON_ENERGY(my_contract, 10000);

    34. Energy Efficient zk-SNARK Circuits

    34.1 Low-Energy zk-SNARK Circuit Generation
    CIRCUIT energy_efficient_circuit = ZK_CIRCUIT_GEN_EFFICIENT(constraints, public_inputs);

    34.2 Optimized zk-SNARK Proof Generation
    PROOF optimized_proof = ZK_PROOF_GEN_EFFICIENT(energy_efficient_circuit, witness);

    35. Energy-Constrained Blockchain Protocols

    35.1 Proof of Work with Energy Constraints
    POW_ENERGY_LIMIT(mining_func:FUNC, max_energy:INT) -> BLOCK
    BLOCK new_block = POW_ENERGY_LIMIT(mine_block, 5000);

    35.2 Energy-Aware Consensus Mechanisms
    CONSENSUS_ENERGY_AWARE(nodes:VEC<NODE>, energy_limits:VEC<INT>) -> NODE
    NODE leader = CONSENSUS_ENERGY_AWARE(node_list, energy_limits);

    35.3 Energy-Efficient Proof of Stake
    POS_ENERGY_AWARE(stakeholders:VEC<NODE>, energy_threshold:INT) -> NODE
    NODE validator = POS_ENERGY_AWARE(stakeholder_list, 3000);

    35.4 Energy-Optimized Block Validation
    BLOCK_VALIDATE_ENERGY(block:BLOCK, energy_limit:INT) -> BOOL
    BOOL is_valid = BLOCK_VALIDATE_ENERGY(new_block, 5000);

    35.5 Energy-Aware Transaction Processing
    RESULT tx_result = TX_PROCESS_ENERGY_AWARE(my_transaction, 2000);

    36. Energy-Constrained Blockchain Governance

    36.1 Energy-Limited Voting Mechanisms
    VOTE_ENERGY_AWARE(voters:VEC<NODE>, proposals:VEC<STR>, max_energy:INT) -> STR
    STR winning_proposal = VOTE_ENERGY_AWARE(node_list, proposal_list, 1000);

    36.2 Governance Proposal Energy Analysis
    REPORT proposal_analysis = ANALYZE_PROPOSAL_ENERGY("Upgrade block size");

    37. Energy-Efficient Layer 2 Solutions

    37.1 Layer 2 Transaction Batching with Energy Constraints
    L2_BATCH_ENERGY(txns:VEC<TX>, energy_limit:INT) -> BATCH
    BATCH tx_batch = L2_BATCH_ENERGY(transaction_list, 3000);

    37.2 Optimized Rollup Execution
    ROLLUP_EXEC_ENERGY(rollup:ROLLUP, energy_limit:INT) -> RESULT
    RESULT rollup_result = ROLLUP_EXEC_ENERGY(layer2_rollup, 4000);

    37.3 Layer 2 Energy-Aware State Channels
    SC_UPDATE_ENERGY_AWARE(sc:SC, new_state:VEC<INT>, sigs:VEC<SIG>, energy_limit:INT) -> SC
    SC updated_channel = SC_UPDATE_ENERGY_AWARE(my_state_channel, new_state, signatures, 2500);

    38. Advanced Blockchain Energy Auditing

    38.1 Comprehensive Blockchain Energy Audit
    BLOCKCHAIN_ENERGY_AUDIT(blockchain:BC, time_period:INT) -> REPORT
    REPORT energy_audit = BLOCKCHAIN_ENERGY_AUDIT(my_blockchain, 30); // Audit over 30 days

    38.2 Energy Cost Prediction for Transactions
    INT predicted_cost = TX_ENERGY_COST_PREDICT(my_transaction);

    38.3 Energy Efficiency Comparison for Consensus Algorithms
    REPORT energy_comparison = CONSENSUS_ENERGY_COMPARE(ProofOfWork, ProofOfStake);

    38.4 Real-Time Energy Usage Alerts
    ENERGY_ALERT(contract:SC, threshold:INT) -> BOOL
    BOOL alert_triggered = ENERGY_ALERT(my_contract, 5000);

    38.5 Energy-Aware Transaction Fees
    TX_FEE_ENERGY_AWARE(tx:TX, energy_usage:INT) -> INT
    INT tx_fee = TX_FEE_ENERGY_AWARE(my_transaction, predicted_energy_usage);

    39. Optimizing Smart Contract Performance

    39.1 Gas and Energy Correlation Analysis
    REPORT gas_energy_report = GAS_ENERGY_ANALYZE(my_contract);

    39.2 Contract Rewriting for Energy Optimization
    STR optimized_code = CONTRACT_OPTIMIZE_ENERGY(original_contract_code);

    39.3 Energy Consumption Benchmarks for Smart Contracts
    REPORT benchmark_report = SC_BENCHMARK_ENERGY(my_contract);

    39.4 Energy-Optimized Smart Contract Deployment
    SC_DEPLOY_ENERGY_AWARE(code:STR, init_state:VEC<INT>, max_energy:INT) -> SC
    SC new_contract = SC_DEPLOY_ENERGY_AWARE(optimized_code, initial_state, 5000);

    39.5 Energy-Constrained Contract Execution
    SC_EXECUTE_ENERGY_AWARE(contract:SC, method:STR, args:VEC<INT>, max_energy:INT) -> RESULT
    RESULT execution_result = SC_EXECUTE_ENERGY_AWARE(my_contract, "transfer", [recipient, amount], 3000);

    39.6 Energy-Efficient Contract Upgrades
    SC_UPGRADE_ENERGY_AWARE(contract:SC, new_code:STR, max_energy:INT) -> SC
    SC upgraded_contract = SC_UPGRADE_ENERGY_AWARE(my_contract, updated_code, 4000);

    40. Blockchain Network-Wide Energy Optimization

    40.1 Network-Wide Energy Monitoring
    REPORT network_energy_report = NETWORK_ENERGY_MONITOR(blockchain_nodes);

    40.2 Energy-Efficient Node Selection for Block Validation
    NODE_SELECT_ENERGY_AWARE(nodes:VEC<NODE>, energy_threshold:INT) -> NODE
    NODE selected_node = NODE_SELECT_ENERGY_AWARE(network_nodes, 2000);

    40.3 Consensus Protocol Energy Optimization
    CONSENSUS_OPTIMIZE_ENERGY(protocol:STR, max_energy:INT) -> STR
    STR optimized_protocol = CONSENSUS_OPTIMIZE_ENERGY("ProofOfStake", 10000);

    41. Advanced Functionality for Core Programming Commands

    41.1 Function Overloading
    FUNC_NAME(param1:TYPE, param2:TYPE) -> RETURN_TYPE
    FUNC add(x:INT) -> INT {
      RETURN x + 1;
    FUNC add(x:INT, y:INT) -> INT {
      RETURN x + y;

    41.2 Variable Scope
    local_var := value; // Local scope
    global_var := value; // Global scope
    global x := 5;
    FUNC example() {
      local y := 10;
      RETURN x + y;

    41.3 Default Parameters
    FUNC_NAME(param1:TYPE, param2:TYPE = default_value) -> RETURN_TYPE
    FUNC greet(name:STR, message:STR = "Hello") -> STR {
      RETURN message + " " + name;

    41.4 Optional Parameters
    FUNC_NAME(param1:TYPE, param2:OPT<INT>) -> RETURN_TYPE
    FUNC multiply(x:INT, y:OPT<INT>) -> INT {
      RETURN IF y != NULL THEN x * y ELSE x;

    42. Intermediate Programming Features

    42.1 Lambda Functions
    lambda := (param1:TYPE, param2:TYPE) -> RETURN_TYPE {
      // Body
    lambda := (x:INT, y:INT) -> INT {
      RETURN x + y;
    result := lambda(3, 4); // Outputs 7

    42.2 Closures
    closure := FUNC_NAME(param1:TYPE) -> FUNC
    FUNC make_multiplier(factor:INT) -> FUNC {
      RETURN (x:INT) -> INT {
        RETURN x * factor;
    double := make_multiplier(2);
    result := double(5); // Outputs 10

    42.3 Pattern Matching
    MATCH expression {
      CASE pattern1: // code
      CASE pattern2: // code
      DEFAULT: // code
    FUNC process(value:VEC<INT>) -> STR {
      MATCH value {
        CASE [1, 2, 3]: RETURN "Sequence matched!";
        CASE [_, _, _]: RETURN "Three elements!";
        DEFAULT: RETURN "No match!";

    43. Advanced Programming Constructs

    43.1 Meta-Programming
    macro MACRO_NAME(params) {
      // Body
    macro LOG(expr:EXPR) {
      RETURN expr;
    result := LOG(x + y); // Prints x + y, then returns the result

    43.2 Type Inference
    var_name := value;
    x := 42; // Inferred as INT
    name := "Alice"; // Inferred as STR

    43.3 Coroutines
    COROUTINE func_name() -> YIELD_TYPE {
      // Body
    COROUTINE producer() -> INT {
      FOR i := 0 TO 10 {
        YIELD i;
    result := producer(); // Yields values 0 to 10 incrementally

    44. Error Handling Mechanisms

    44.1 Custom Error Types
    ERROR_TYPE(name:STR, fields:VEC<(STR, TYPE)>)
    ERROR_TYPE(InvalidInputError, [(message:STR), (code:INT)]);
    THROW(InvalidInputError("Invalid input provided", 101));

    44.2 Chained Error Handling
    TRY {
      // Code
    } CATCH (error1:ErrorType1) {
      // Handle error1
    } CATCH (error2:ErrorType2) {
      // Handle error2
    TRY {
      result := divide(10, 0);
    } CATCH (DivideByZeroError) {
      DEBUG_PRINT("Cannot divide by zero!");
    } CATCH (InvalidInputError) {
      DEBUG_PRINT("Invalid input!");

    45. Data Structures and Complex Types

    45.1 Enumerations (Enums)
    enum ENUM_NAME {
    enum Color {
    color := Color.RED;

    45.2 Tuples
    tuple_name := (value1, value2, value3);
    tuple := (42, "Alice", true);
    x, name, flag := tuple;

    45.3 Records
    record RECORD_NAME {
      field1: TYPE;
      field2: TYPE;
      // More fields
    record Person {
      name: STR;
      age: INT;
    p := Person {name: "Bob", age: 30};

    46. Concurrency and Parallelism

    46.1 Parallel Task Execution
    tasks := [task1, task2, task3];
    results := PAR_EXEC(tasks);

    46.2 Synchronization Primitives
    LOCK(mutex:MUTEX) {
      // Critical section
    LOCK(resource_mutex) {
      shared_resource := shared_resource + 1;

    46.3 Thread Management
    thread := THREAD_START(worker_function);
    result := THREAD_JOIN(thread);

    Visual Output Specification to Match the Programming Logic

    1. Syntax and Structure

    1.1 Component Box Representation

    Visual representation of programming components such as functions, variables, and expressions:

    ║ Component Name                      ║
    ║ add(5, 10)           ║

    1.2 Data Flow Indicator

    The visual representation of how data flows between components.

    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ add(5, 10)           ║         ║ result: 15           ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    1.3 Assignment Representation

    A visual output for assignment operations.

    ║ x := 5                 ║

    2. Data Types and Structures

    2.1 Primitive Types Box

    Each data type will be encapsulated in a separate box:

    ║ INT                  ║
    ║ STR                  ║
    ╔═════════════╗        ╔═════════════╗
    ║ x: INT      ║  ──▶   ║ y: STR      ║
    ╚═════════════╝        ╚═════════════╝

    2.2 Complex Types Visualization

    Visual output for structures like VEC and MAP.

    ║ VEC<INT>                   ║
    ║ ────────────               ║
    ║ [1, 2, 3]                  ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ MAP<STR, INT>              ║         ║ VEC<INT>                   ║
    ║ ────────────               ║         ║ ────────────               ║
    ║ { "age" : 30 }             ║         ║ [1, 2, 3]                  ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    3. Functions and Control Flow

    3.1 Function Definition

    Each function is represented visually with input/output flows.

    ║ FUNC add(x, y)       ║
    ║ ───────────────      ║
    ║ RETURN x + y         ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ FUNC add(x, y)       ║         ║ RETURN x + y         ║
    ║ ───────────────      ║         ║ result := 15         ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    3.2 If-Else Control Flow

    Visual output for IF-ELSE structures.

    ║ IF condition         ║
       ▼         ▼
    ╔══════════╗  ╔══════════╗
    ║ True     ║  ║ False    ║
    ╚══════════╝  ╚══════════╝
    ║ IF x > 10            ║
       ▼         ▼
    ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗
    ║ x := x + 1 ║   ║ x := x - 1 ║
    ╚════════════╝   ╚════════════╝

    3.3 Loop Structures

    Loops such as FOR, WHILE, and LOOP visualized as recurring operations.

    ║ LOOP                 ║
    ║ ───────────────      ║
    ║ (i := 0 TO n)        ║
    ║ body of loop         ║
            └──▶ back to condition
    ║ LOOP (i := 0 TO 5)   ║
    ║ x := x + i           ║
            └──▶ Repeat

    4. Cryptographic Operations

    4.1 Hashing

    Visualizing cryptographic operations like hashing.

    ║ HASH(input)          ║
    ║ H256: hash_output    ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ HASH("message")      ║         ║ H256: 123abc         ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    4.2 Signatures and Encryption
    ║ SIGN(sk, msg)        ║
    ║ SIG: signature       ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ SIGN(sk, "data")     ║         ║ SIG: abc123          ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    5. Error Handling

    5.1 Error Flow Representation

    Error handling is shown with catch paths and error outputs.

    ║ TRY {                ║
    ║   operation          ║
    ║ CATCH error_type     ║
    ║ TRY { x / 0 }        ║
    ║ CATCH(DivideByZero)  ║

    6. Concurrency and Parallelism

    6.1 Parallel Task Execution

    Visualizing parallel task execution with task flows.

    ║ PAR_EXEC(task_list)  ║
    ║ [task1, task2, task3]║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ PAR_EXEC([t1, t2])   ║         ║ results: [r1, r2]    ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    6.2 Synchronization and Locking
    ║ LOCK(mutex)          ║
    ║ critical_section     ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ LOCK(mutex)          ║         ║ shared_resource += 1 ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    7. Data Types and Structures (Continued)

    7.1 Enumerations (Enums)

    Visual representation of enumerations (enums), showing the options available:

    ║ ENUM Color           ║
    ║ ───────────────      ║
    ║ RED                  ║
    ║ GREEN                ║
    ║ BLUE                 ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ ENUM Color           ║         ║ current_color := RED ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    7.2 Tuples

    Tuples visualized as structured collections:

    ║ TUPLE                ║
    ║ ───────────────      ║
    ║ (INT, STR, BOOL)     ║
    ╔═════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔═════════════════════════╗
    ║ TUPLE (42, "Alice", T)  ║         ║ x := (42, "Alice", true)║
    ╚═════════════════════════╝         ╚═════════════════════════╝

    7.3 Records

    Records (similar to structs) visually represented with fields and their values:

    ║ RECORD Person        ║
    ║ ───────────────      ║
    ║ name: STR            ║
    ║ age: INT             ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ Person {             ║         ║ p := { "Bob", 30 }   ║
    ║ name: "Bob",         ║         ║ name := "Bob", age := 30 ║
    ║ age: 30              ║         ║                      ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    8. Function Handling and Advanced Operations

    8.1 Function Overloading

    Visualizing multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.

    ║ FUNC add(x:INT)      ║
    ║ FUNC add(x:INT, y:INT)║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ add(5)               ║         ║ result := 6          ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ add(5, 3)            ║         ║ result := 8          ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    8.2 Closures and Lambdas

    Visualizing anonymous and closure functions:

    ║ CLOSURE make_adder   ║
    ║ ───────────────      ║
    ║ factor: INT          ║
    ║ RETURN FUNC          ║
    ╔════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════╗
    ║ CLOSURE multiplier(2)  ║         ║ double := FUNC (x) {x*2}║
    ╚════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════╝

    8.3 Pattern Matching

    Flow for MATCH statements represented visually:

    ║ MATCH expr           ║
       ▼         ▼
    ╔══════════╗  ╔══════════╗
    ║ CASE 1   ║  ║ CASE 2   ║
    ╚══════════╝  ╚══════════╝
    ║ DEFAULT              ║
    ║ MATCH [1, 2, 3]      ║
       ▼         ▼
    ╔══════════╗  ╔══════════╗
    ║ CASE [1,2,3] MATCHED!  ║

    9. Error Handling

    9.1 Chained Error Handling

    Flow for catching multiple error types:

    ║ TRY { operation }    ║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗
    ║ CATCH 1    ║   ║ CATCH 2    ║
    ╚════════════╝   ╚════════════╝
    ║ TRY { divide(10, 0) }║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗
    ║ CATCH(DivBy0)  ║ DEBUG PRINT ║

    10. Concurrency and Synchronization

    10.1 Thread Management

    Flow for threads:

    ║ THREAD_START(func)   ║
    ║ THREAD: thread_id    ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ THREAD_START(worker) ║         ║ THREAD_ID: 1001      ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    10.2 Synchronization Primitives

    Visual flow for using locks:

    ║ LOCK(mutex)          ║
    ║ Critical Section     ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ LOCK(resource_mutex) ║         ║ shared += 1          ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    11. Coroutines and Asynchronous Handling

    11.1 Coroutine Execution Flow

    Flow for coroutine yield and resumption:

    ║ COROUTINE(func)      ║
    ║ YIELD value          ║
            └──▶ Resume
    ║ COROUTINE producer() ║
    ╔══════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔══════════════════════╗
    ║ YIELD i (i:=0 to 5)  ║         ║ resumption returns 2 ║
    ╚══════════════════════╝         ╚══════════════════════╝

    Continuing the Visual Output Specification

    12. Data Structures and Complex Types (Continued)

    12.1 Vectors

    Vectors are visualized as ordered collections.

    ║ VEC<INT>                   ║
    ║ ────────────               ║
    ║ [1, 2, 3, 4]               ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ VEC<STR>                   ║         ║ VEC: ["apple", "banana"]   ║
    ║ ────────────               ║         ║                           ║
    ║ ["apple", "banana"]        ║         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    12.2 Maps

    Maps show key-value pairs with keys pointing to their corresponding values.

    ║ MAP<STR, INT>              ║
    ║ ────────────               ║
    ║ {"age": 30, "year": 2024}  ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ MAP<STR, INT>              ║         ║ MAP: {"age": 30, "year": 24}║
    ║ ────────────               ║         ║                           ║
    ║ {"age": 30, "year": 24}    ║         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    12.3 Optional Values

    Optionals are displayed visually as boxed values that can be present or absent (null).

    ║ OPT<INT>                   ║
    ║ ────────────               ║
    ║ Present: 5                 ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ OPT<INT>                   ║         ║ OPT<INT>: None             ║
    ║ ────────────               ║         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ║ Value: 5                   ║

    13. Cryptographic Operations (Continued)

    13.1 Hashing Functions

    Hashing operations visually demonstrate the transformation of data to hash.

    ║ HASH(data)                 ║
    ║ H256: 0xabc123             ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ HASH("message")            ║         ║ H256: 123abc               ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    13.2 Signatures

    Visualizing cryptographic signatures.

    ║ SIGN(sk, msg)              ║
    ║ SIG: abc123                ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ SIGN(private_key, "data")  ║         ║ SIG: 0x45abc               ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    13.3 Encryption and Decryption

    Visualizing encryption and decryption flows.

    ║ ENC(pk, msg)               ║
    ║ CIPHER: 0xdef456           ║
    ║ DEC(sk, cipher)            ║
    ║ PLAINTEXT: "message"       ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ENC(public_key, "secret")  ║         ║ CIPHER: 0x789xyz           ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    13.4 Zero-Knowledge Proofs

    Zero-knowledge proofs visually demonstrate the verification of a proof without revealing details.

    ║ ZKP_GEN(circuit, witness)  ║
    ║ PROOF: zk_snark_proof      ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ZKP_GEN(circuit, inputs)   ║         ║ PROOF: zk_abc123           ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    14. Control Flow and Logic (Continued)

    14.1 Try-Catch Blocks

    Visualizing error handling using TRY and CATCH.

    ║ TRY { operation }          ║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗
    ║ Success    ║   ║ CATCH error║
    ╚════════════╝   ╚════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ TRY { x := divide(10, 0) } ║         ║ CATCH(DivByZero)            ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    14.2 Assertions

    Assertions are visually represented as checks that must hold true.

    ║ ASSERT(condition, msg)     ║
    ║ If true: Continue          ║
    ║ If false: Error            ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ASSERT(x > 0, "x must > 0")║         ║ TRUE: Continue execution   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    15. Parallelism and Concurrency (Continued)

    15.1 Parallel Execution

    Parallel execution flows show tasks running simultaneously and collecting results.

    ║ PAR_EXEC(task_list)        ║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗
    ║ Task 1     ║   ║ Task 2     ║
    ╚════════════╝   ╚════════════╝
            │          │
            ▼          ▼
    ║ Results: [res1, res2]      ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PAR_EXEC([t1, t2])         ║         ║ Results: [output1, output2]║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    15.2 Thread Management

    Threads are visualized with a start and join process.

    ║ THREAD_START(func)         ║
    ║ THREAD: thread_id          ║
    ║ THREAD_JOIN(thread_id)     ║
    ║ Result: output             ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ THREAD_START(worker)       ║         ║ THREAD_ID: 1001            ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ║ THREAD_JOIN(1001)          ║
    ║ Result: output_value       ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ THREAD_START(task_worker)  ║         ║ THREAD_ID: 1012            ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ THREAD_JOIN(1012)          ║         ║ Result: completed_task     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    16. Synchronization and Locking

    16.1 Mutex Lock and Unlock

    Visualizing a mutex locking mechanism to control concurrent access.

    ║ LOCK(mutex)                ║
    ║ Critical Section           ║
    ║ UNLOCK(mutex)              ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LOCK(resource_mutex)        ║         ║ shared_resource += 1       ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ UNLOCK(resource_mutex)     ║         ║ Continue execution         ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    17. Coroutines and Asynchronous Handling (Continued)

    17.1 Coroutine Yielding

    Visual representation of a coroutine yielding and resuming.

    ║ COROUTINE(func)            ║
    ║ YIELD value                ║
            └──▶ Resume
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ COROUTINE producer()       ║         ║ YIELD i (i:=0 to 5)        ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ Resume coroutine           ║         ║ YIELD next value: i=3      ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    17.2 Awaiting Future Results

    Visualizing asynchronous function calls and awaiting results.

    ║ ASYNC(func) -> FUTURE<T>   ║
    ║ AWAIT(future) -> RESULT    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ASYNC(fetch_data)          ║         ║ FUTURE<INT>: pending       ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ AWAIT(fetch_future)        ║         ║ RESULT: 100                ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    18. Pattern Matching and Control Flow

    18.1 Pattern Matching

    Visual output for MATCH statements with multiple cases.

    ║ MATCH expression           ║
       ▼         ▼
    ╔════════════╗  ╔════════════╗
    ║ CASE 1     ║  ║ CASE 2     ║
    ╚════════════╝  ╚════════════╝
    ║ DEFAULT              ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ MATCH value                ║         ║ CASE [1, 2, 3]: Matched!   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ║ DEFAULT: No match found!   ║

    18.2 Conditional Expressions

    IF-ELSE statements visually demonstrate conditional branching.

    ║ IF condition               ║
       ▼         ▼
    ╔════════════╗  ╔════════════╗
    ║ True       ║  ║ False      ║
    ╚════════════╝  ╚════════════╝
    ║ CONTINUE execution   ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ IF (x > 10)                ║         ║ x := x + 1                 ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ELSE x := x - 1            ║         ║ Result: x = 9              ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    19. Function Handling

    19.1 Default Parameters and Function Overloading

    Visually representing function calls with optional or default parameters.

    ║ FUNC greet(name, msg="Hi") ║
    ║ CALL: greet("Alice")       ║
    ║ Result: "Hi Alice"         ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ FUNC add(x, y=10)          ║         ║ CALL: add(5)               ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ Result: 15                 ║         ║ x + y = 15                 ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    19.2 Lambda Functions and Closures

    Visually representing lambdas and closures.

    ║ LAMBDA (x, y) -> x + y     ║
    ║ CALL: lambda(3, 4)         ║
    ║ Result: 7                  ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LAMBDA (x) -> x * factor   ║         ║ Result of closure: 20      ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LAMBDA (x) -> x * factor   ║         ║ CALL: closure(10)          ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ factor := 2                ║         ║ Result of closure: 20      ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ FUNC make_multiplier(f)    ║         ║ Result: LAMBDA (x) -> x * f║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LAMBDA := make_multiplier(2)         ║ CALL: LAMBDA(10)           ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
            │                                    │
            ▼                                    ▼
    ╔════════════════════════════╗         ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LAMBDA (x) -> x * 2        ║         ║ Result: 20                 ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    This matches the lambda and closure concept by showing how the closure captures the factor from the outer scope, and then it visually demonstrates how calling the lambda works with captured values. The flow proceeds through the creation of the lambda, calling it, and returning the computed result.

    20.1 Custom Error Types

    Visual representation of defining and throwing custom errors.

    ║ ERROR_TYPE(name, fields)   ║
    ║ THROW(ErrorType)           ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ERROR_TYPE(InvalidInput,   ║         ║ THROW(InvalidInput("Wrong")║
    ║ [(msg: STR)])              ║         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    20.2 Chained Error Handling

    Handling multiple error types with chained TRY-CATCH.

    ║ TRY { operation }          ║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗
    ║ CATCH 1    ║   ║ CATCH 2    ║
    ╚════════════╝   ╚════════════╝
    ║ FINAL: Continue      ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ TRY { operation() }        ║         ║ CATCH(DivideByZero)        ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ CATCH(InvalidInput)        ║         ║ FINAL: Handle gracefully   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    21. Advanced Programming Constructs (Continued)

    21.1 Meta-Programming with Macros

    Macros visually generate code, simplifying repeated operations.

    ║ macro MACRO_NAME(params)   ║
    ║ Code generated by macro    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ macro LOG(expr)            ║         ║ LOG(x + y) expands to:     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ║ DEBUG_PRINT(x + y)         ║
                                            ║ RETURN (x + y)             ║

    21.2 Type Inference

    Visual output showing how type inference works.

    ║ var_name := value          ║
    ║ Type inferred: INT         ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ x := 42                    ║         ║ Type inferred: INT         ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    22. Concurrency and Parallelism (Continued)

    22.1 Parallel Task Execution

    Visual representation of parallel task execution and result aggregation.

    ║ PAR_EXEC(tasks)            ║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗   ╔════════════╗
    ║ Task 1     ║   ║ Task 2     ║
    ╚════════════╝   ╚════════════╝
            │          │
            ▼          ▼
    ║ Aggregated Results         ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PAR_EXEC([download1,       ║         ║ Results: [file1, file2]     ║
    ║ download2])                ║         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    22.2 Mutex Locks

    Visualizing the locking and unlocking of shared resources.

    ║ LOCK(mutex)                ║
    ║ Critical Section           ║
    ║ UNLOCK(mutex)              ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LOCK(shared_mutex)         ║         ║ Critical Section           ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ UNLOCK(shared_mutex)       ║         ║ Continue execution         ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    23. Data Structures (Continued)

    23.1 Enumerations (Enums)

    Enums visually represent the predefined choices.

    ║ ENUM Color                 ║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗  ╔════════════╗
    ║ RED        ║  ║ BLUE       ║
    ╚════════════╝  ╚════════════╝
    ║ Enum Value: GREEN    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ENUM Color: RED, GREEN,    ║         ║ Enum Value: GREEN          ║
    ║ BLUE                      ║         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    23.2 Tuples

    Visualizing tuples as a collection of multiple data types.

    ║ TUPLE (INT, STR, BOOL)     ║
    ║ (42, "Alice", true)        ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ TUPLE (42, "Alice", true)  ║         ║ Elements: INT, STR, BOOL   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    23.3 Records (Structs)

    Visual representation of record (struct) fields and values.

    ║ RECORD Person              ║
    ║ name: "Alice"              ║
    ║ age: 30                    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ RECORD {name: "Alice",     ║         ║ Person {name: "Alice", age:30}║
    ║ age: 30}                  ║         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    24. Advanced Cryptographic Operations

    24.1 Lattice-Based Cryptography

    Visual representation of Lattice-based operations such as sampling and decoding.

    ║ LWE_SAMPLE(s, e)           ║
    ║ VEC<FLD>: Sample Output    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LWE_SAMPLE(secret, error)  ║         ║ VEC: [0x32, 0x45, 0x78]    ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    24.2 Witness Encryption

    Visualizing witness encryption and decryption.

    ║ WE_ENC(stmt, msg)          ║
    ║ CIPHER: Encrypted Data     ║
    ║ WE_DEC(cipher, witness)    ║
    ║ RESULT: Decrypted Message  ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ WE_ENC("statement", msg)   ║         ║ CIPHER: 0xabc456           ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ WE_DEC(cipher, witness)    ║         ║ RESULT: "Decrypted Data"   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    25. Blockchain-Specific Operations

    25.1 Merkle Trees

    Visualizing Merkle Tree creation, insertion, and proof verification.

    ║ MT_NEW()                   ║
    ║ Merkle Tree Created        ║
    ║ MT_INSERT(mt, leaf)        ║
    ║ New Leaf Added: 0x123abc   ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ MT_INSERT(mt, 0x123abc)    ║         ║ Leaf Added: 0x123abc       ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    25.2 State Channels

    State channel operations, including opening, updating, and closing a channel.

    ║ SC_OPEN(participants, state)║
    ║ State Channel Opened       ║
    ║ SC_UPDATE(sc, new_state, sigs)║
    ║ State Updated              ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ SC_OPEN([pk1, pk2], state) ║         ║ Channel Opened             ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ SC_UPDATE(channel, new_state, sigs)  ║ State Updated Successfully ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    25.3 zk-SNARKs

    Visual representation of zk-SNARK setup, proof generation, and verification.

    ║ SNARK_SETUP(circuit)       ║
    ║ Proving Parameters: Setup  ║
    ║ SNARK_PROVE(pp, witness)   ║
    ║ PROOF: zk_snark_proof      ║
    ║ SNARK_VERIFY(pp, proof)    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ SNARK_SETUP(circuit)       ║         ║ Setup Completed            ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ SNARK_PROVE(pp, witness)   ║         ║ PROOF: zk_abc123           ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ SNARK_VERIFY(pp, proof)    ║         ║ VERIFICATION: SUCCESSFUL   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    26. Privacy-Preserving Protocols

    26.1 Ring Signatures

    Visual representation of ring signature generation and verification.

    ║ RING_SIGN(sk, msg, ring)   ║
    ║ RING_SIG: signature_output ║
    ║ RING_VERIFY(msg, sig, ring)║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ RING_SIGN(sk, msg, [pk1, pk2])║      ║ RING_SIG: ring_sig_123     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ RING_VERIFY(msg, sig, [pk1, pk2])║   ║ VERIFICATION: SUCCESS      ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    26.2 Blind Signatures

    Visual representation of blind signature creation and verification.

    ║ BLIND_SIGN(sk, blinded_msg)║
    ║ BLIND_SIG: blind_signature ║
    ║ BLIND_VERIFY(pk, msg, sig) ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ BLIND_SIGN(sk, blinded_msg)║         ║ BLIND_SIG: blind_sig_456   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ BLIND_VERIFY(pk, msg, sig) ║         ║ VERIFICATION: SUCCESS      ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    27. Post-Quantum Cryptography

    27.1 Key Generation for Post-Quantum Cryptography

    Visualizing the generation of post-quantum keys.

    ║ PQ_KEYGEN(security_param)  ║
    ║ PK: public_key             ║
    ║ SK: secret_key             ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PQ_KEYGEN(256)             ║         ║ PK: pq_public_key          ║
    ║                            ║         ║ SK: pq_secret_key          ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    27.2 Post-Quantum Encryption and Decryption

    Visualizing post-quantum encryption and decryption processes.

    ║ PQ_ENC(pk, msg)            ║
    ║ CIPHER: Encrypted PQ Data  ║
    ║ PQ_DEC(sk, cipher)         ║
    ║ PLAINTEXT: Decrypted PQ Msg║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PQ_ENC(pq_public_key, msg) ║         ║ CIPHER: pq_encrypted_data   ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PQ_DEC(pq_secret_key, cipher)║       ║ PLAINTEXT: decrypted_msg    ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    28. Verifiable Delay Functions

    28.1 Setup of Verifiable Delay Function

    Visualizing the setup phase for VDF.

    ║ VDF_SETUP(security_param)  ║
    ║ VDF_PP: Setup Parameters   ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ VDF_SETUP(256)             ║         ║ VDF_PP: vdf_params_256     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    28.2 Evaluation of Verifiable Delay Function

    Visualizing VDF evaluation.

    ║ VDF_EVAL(pp, input, time)  ║
    ║ Output: Evaluated Result   ║
    ║ Proof: VDF Proof           ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ VDF_EVAL(vdf_params, input, 5)║      ║ Output: 12345, Proof: vdf_p1║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    28.3 Verification of Verifiable Delay Function

    Visualizing the verification of the result of a VDF.

    ║ VDF_VERIFY(pp, input, output, proof)║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ VDF_VERIFY(vdf_params, input, output, proof)║  ║ VERIFICATION: SUCCESS  ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    29. Homomorphic Encryption

    29.1 Key Generation for Homomorphic Encryption

    Visualizing key generation for homomorphic encryption.

    ║ HE_KEYGEN(security_param)  ║
    ║ HE_PK: Public Key          ║
    ║ HE_SK: Secret Key          ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ HE_KEYGEN(128)             ║         ║ HE_PK: he_public_key       ║
    ║                            ║         ║ HE_SK: he_secret_key       ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    29.2 Homomorphic Encryption and Decryption

    Visualizing the encryption and decryption processes.

    ║ HE_ENC(pk, msg)            ║
    ║ CIPHER: Homomorphic Cipher ║
    ║ HE_DEC(sk, cipher)         ║
    ║ PLAINTEXT: Decrypted Result║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ HE_ENC(he_public_key, msg) ║         ║ CIPHER: he_ciphertext      ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ HE_DEC(he_secret_key, cipher)║       ║ PLAINTEXT: decrypted_result║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    29.3 Homomorphic Operations (Addition and Multiplication)

    Visualizing homomorphic addition and multiplication operations.

    ║ HE_ADD(pk, cipher1, cipher2)║
    ║ Result: Homomorphic Sum    ║
    ║ HE_MULT(pk, cipher1, cipher2)║
    ║ Result: Homomorphic Product║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ HE_ADD(he_public_key, c1, c2)║       ║ Result: homomorphic_sum     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ HE_MULT(he_public_key, c1, c2)║      ║ Result: homomorphic_product ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    30. Formal Verification and Safety

    30.1 Invariant Checking

    Visual representation of invariant checks in code execution.

    ║ INVARIANT(condition, msg)  ║
    ║ ASSERTION: Condition True  ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ INVARIANT(x > 0, "x must > 0")║     ║ ASSERTION: TRUE             ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    30.2 Formal Proof Generation

    Visualizing proof generation and verification.

    ║ PROVE(theorem)             ║
    ║ PROOF: Formal Proof        ║
    ║ CHECK_PROOF(theorem, proof)║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PROVE("x + y = y + x")     ║         ║ PROOF: formal_proof_123     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ CHECK_PROOF("x + y = y + x", proof) ║  ║ VERIFICATION: SUCCESS     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    31. Error Handling and Debugging (Continued)

    31.1 Detailed Error Message Structure

    Visualizing detailed error messages and stack traces for easier debugging.

    ║ ERROR: <error_message>     ║
    ║ Location: <file>:<line>    ║
    ║ Callstack: [Function1,     ║
    ║             Function2,     ║
    ║             Function3]     ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ ERROR: Divide by zero      ║         ║ Location:        ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ║ Callstack: [divide, main]   ║
    ##### 31.2 **Debugging Information**
    Visual representation of debug print statements and stack traces.
    ║ DEBUG_PRINT(expr)          ║
    ║ Output: Value of expr      ║
    ║ STACK_TRACE()              ║
    ║ Callstack: [Function1,     ║
    ║             Function2,     ║
    ║             Function3]     ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ DEBUG_PRINT(x + y)         ║         ║ Output: 10                 ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ STACK_TRACE()              ║         ║ Callstack: [func1, func2]  ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    32. Interoperability

    32.1 Foreign Function Interface (FFI) Import

    Visualizing the process of importing functions from other languages using FFI.

    ║ FFI_IMPORT(language, func) ║
    ║ Imported Function: func    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ FFI_IMPORT("C", "math_func")║        ║ Imported Function: math_func║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    32.2 Foreign Function Interface (FFI) Export

    Visualizing the process of exporting functions to other languages using FFI.

    ║ FFI_EXPORT(func, language) ║
    ║ Exported to: language      ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ FFI_EXPORT(my_func, "Python")║       ║ Exported to Python: my_func ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    33. Serialization

    33.1 Serialization of Data Structures

    Visualizing the serialization process where data structures are converted into byte arrays.

    ║ SERIALIZE(object)          ║
    ║ Byte Stream: [0x45, 0x23]  ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ SERIALIZE(my_obj)          ║         ║ Byte Stream: [0x12, 0x34]  ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    33.2 Deserialization of Data Structures

    Visualizing the deserialization process where byte streams are converted back into data structures.

    ║ DESERIALIZE(data, type)    ║
    ║ Deserialized Object        ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ DESERIALIZE([0x12, 0x34], T)║       ║ Deserialized: my_object     ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    34. Safety and Formal Verification (Continued)

    34.1 Preconditions

    Visualizing precondition checks before function execution.

    ║ PRE(condition, msg)        ║
    ║ Check Passed: Continue     ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PRE(x > 0, "x must be > 0")║        ║ Check Passed: TRUE          ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    34.2 Postconditions

    Visualizing postcondition checks after function execution.

    ║ POST(condition, msg)       ║
    ║ Check Passed: Continue     ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ POST(result != NULL, "result valid") ║  ║ Check Passed: TRUE        ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    34.3 Invariant Checking

    Visualizing invariant checks to maintain consistency throughout the program execution.

    ║ INVARIANT(condition, msg)  ║
    ║ Invariant Held: Continue   ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ INVARIANT(balance >= 0,    ║         ║ Invariant Held: TRUE       ║
    ║ "Balance cannot be negative") ║       ╚════════════════════════════╝

    35. Parallel Execution and Lazy Evaluation

    35.1 Parallel Task Execution

    Visualizing the execution of multiple tasks in parallel.

    ║ PAR_EXEC(tasks)            ║
       ▼          ▼
    ╔════════════╗  ╔════════════╗
    ║ Task 1     ║  ║ Task 2     ║
    ╚════════════╝  ╚════════════╝
            │          │
            ▼          ▼
    ║ Aggregated Results         ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ PAR_EXEC([task1, task2])   ║         ║ Aggregated Results: [r1, r2]║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    35.2 Lazy Evaluation

    Visualizing how expressions are lazily evaluated only when needed.

    ║ LAZY(expr)                 ║
    ║ Lazy Expression Created    ║
    ║ FORCE(expr)                ║
    ║ Evaluated: Result          ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ LAZY(x + y)                ║         ║ Lazy Expression Created    ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ FORCE(x + y)               ║         ║ Evaluated: Result: 10      ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    36. Memoization

    36.1 Memoized Function Call

    Visual representation of memoization where the result of function calls is cached for future use.

    ║ MEMO(func)                 ║
    ║ Cache Created              ║
    ║ Call with Cached Result    ║
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ MEMO(expensive_computation)║        ║ Cache Created for Future Use║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝
    ╔════════════════════════════╗   ──▶   ╔════════════════════════════╗
    ║ Call(expensive_computation)║         ║ Cached Result: 100          ║
    ╚════════════════════════════╝         ╚════════════════════════════╝

    With these sections done, we are nearing the end of the core visual outputs that match the programming logic we've mapped out so far. Let me know if you'd like to continue or focus on specific remaining areas. We're ensuring every input is thoroughly matched with a visual counterpart!